Rooted and radical derive from root, yet refer to two distant meanings.

Rooted recalls belonging to a land, to a fixed place, to an identity, to something stable and firm.

Radical has for synonyms Jacobin, innovator, liberal, libertarian, novelist, progressive (see Treccani), it refers to those who tackle problems at their root.

GIUNGLA in 2024 questions itself around the ROOT and its drifts of meaning, calling on artists and researchers to express themselves. Today, perhaps more so than yesterday, finding a balance between attachment to one’s own land and traditions, and the desire to migrate, to break with one’s past in order to build a (better?) future elsewhere, is increasingly strong everywhere in the world. In addition to the migratory flows of people fleeing poverty and war, there are also the expats, the remote workers, those who have wanted to break with their routines, quit their jobs and live in other countries and cultures. Lucca continues to be among the provinces with the highest rate of emigrants in Tuscany, second to Florence. On the other hand, finding a balance between being rooted and being radical, between tradition and innovation, between fixity and openness to change, raises issues related to welcoming the different, to translating past issues with the perspective of today. It is enough to think of the generation gap that seems to be widening and the inability to understand the world of the young that has developed with a technology that millennials already struggling to understand. GIUNGLA Radicale therefore wants to interrogate themes ranging from migration to the digital divide, from craft practices to the artistic practices of the present.

For this 5th edition, the festival will develop into an initial exhibition at the Mercato del Carmine in Lucca, from 3 to 5 May, and then continue in stages until November 2024 with other activities.

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Contemporary Art Exhibition

Mercato del Carmine, Lucca

Artisti: Bertrand Dezoteux, David Lucchesi, David Paolinetti, Josse Renda, Gözde Mimiko TürkkanTatiana VillaniFive Radio Stations (con Keren Cytter, Benedikt H. Hermannsson, Hylozoic/Desires, Daniel John Jones e Seb Emina, Emeka Ogboh)

Labs, talks and participatory events.

More on this soon!